Equality Statement

We welcome our public sector duty under the Equality Act 2010 to publish equality objectives and information. Our academy is committed to:

  • Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
  • Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Promoting our academy’s curriculum to ensure it provides students with access to meaningful understanding of diversity of cultures and ethnicities, and encourage integration and shun discrimination.
  • Following recruitment processes with a view to openly encourage a diverse range of applicants, and that applications are considered individually and comprehensively in order to ensure equality of opportunity.
  • Closing the attainment gaps between “groups” of learners, with a particular focus on gender, students with additional learning needs and students from ethnic minority groups.
  • Adopting proactive measures to further develop in all NEW employees and students a culture and ethos that embraces diversity and recognises the need for equality.
  • Ensuring NEW governors are appropriately trained in equality and diversity such that they are empowered to support and encourage the value of fairness and difference in the academy and community they serve.

Our Equality Policy can be viewed here…

Our Equality Information, Objectives and Action Plan can be viewed here…